Sunday, October 16, 2011

mvp n jd mode blocking iso regular removes shine decrease turbo

i decreased speed by 10 percent.the default speed is 80 ,now its on 90

the speed it was on before was 100

i added removed the shine effect
regular jerseys. This fixes slow block speed up the iso movement,i know one blocking iso when blocking when the shooter attempts a shoot is slow to react so i speeded this up,and i beleive it speeded the defense up to but knot let me know if you notice something more changed.


  1. now the gameplay is so good but can you release a us version of the exe?cuz I can not see the correct logos and minilogos with this version,thanks mike

  2. forget what I said.I did not see the correct logos because when I change to spanish it locked the logos.sorry.can you decrease the turbo more?I still can run more fast than any I can run the break with a pivot more fast than a point guard that is defendind me
